Hammer Brother

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Hammer Brother
Monster ID 2166
Locations Throne Room, as a Plumber
Hit Points 80
Attack 60
Defense 60
Initiative 50
Meat None
Phylum beast
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts arm, head, leg, shell
30 coins
Quest Cobb's Knob lab key (if not already found)
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Hammer Brother You're fighting a Hammer Brother

Your superior disguise skills grant you access to the throne room of this (sort of like a) castle (but not really), and just as you feared, the Goblin King is nowhere to be found. Instead, this room is occupied by a turtle. Unlike most turtles, however, this one is standing upright, and wearing a bicycle helmet. It is also preparing to throw a claw hammer at you, which is unusual both for turtles and for claw hammers.

Hit Message(s):

The turtle arcs a hammer into the air. You pause to admire how fast it's spinning, and forget to get out of the way before it hits you in the <foot>. Eek! Ugh! Eek!

The turtle applies the old adage, "When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like something you can throw a hammer at." Ooh! Ugh! Ouch!

The turtle throws dozens of hammers at you. Three of them hit your <lower back>, your <throat> and your <ankle>. Where does it keep them all? Ow! Ugh! Ow!

Critical Hit Message:

The turtle applies the old adage, "When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like something you can throw a hammer at." (CRITICAL HIT!) Ow! Eek! Eek!

After Combat

You find a huge cache of coins!
Mario coin.gifYou acquire 30 coins
  • If you have not already found it before this fight:
Labkey.gifYou acquire an item: Cobb's Knob lab key (100% chance)*

Occurs at the Throne Room in a Path of the Plumber run.


  • Never misses.
    • On each attack, Hammer Brother will deal damage equal to 30% of your Maximum HP (fractions are rounded up) which is unaffected by Damage Absorption and Damage Reduction.