Golden Yeti

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Trophy Number: 7
Image Filename: yeti_pants_now.gif

Golden Yeti
Golden Yeti

This trophy is earned by using the Yeti Protest Sign at least 100 times, or defeating any 100 monsters with the faded red protest sign equipped.

Golden Yeti You're entitled to the "Golden Yeti" Trophy, for having spent 100 turns protesting the slaughter of the Yetis.


  • After December 2005, this trophy was unobtainable until December 22, 2015, when the ability to earn this trophy by defeating any 100 monsters with the faded red protest sign was added.


  • The image name, "yeti_pants_now.gif", probably refers to the fact that yeti fur cannot be crafted into yeti pants, or anything for that matter. It is probably also a reference to the Mike Meyers movie So I Married an Axe Murderer in which the character Stuart Mackenzie repeatedly mocks the size of his son William's head by calling him "Heed" (Head with a Scottish accent), including ordering him to get his pants with the command "Heed, pants, now!"