Glass of drippy wine

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glass of drippy wine
glass of drippy wine

Putting this vile fluid in a glass and calling it "wine" is like tossing a pig carcass into a barrel of burning garbage and calling it a luau.

Type: booze (drippy)
Potency: 5
Cannot be discarded
Only one may be consumed per day

Puts 5 μg of Drippy Juice into your blood

(In-game plural: glasses of drippy wine)
View metadata
Item number: 10446
Description ID: 499425032
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Drip Institute
Drip Institute Cafeteria

When Consumed

You drink the "wine" and wish desperately that you could spit it out into a bucket instead of swallowing it.
AdventuresYou gain 5 Adventures.
You gain 5 Drunkenness.


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