Fudge oyster

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Fudge oyster
Monster ID 1119
Locations Fudge Mountain
Hit Points 130
Attack 100
Defense 90
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum beast
Elements None
Resistance None
Monster Parts shell, slime
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
fudge oyster You're fighting a fudge oyster

This is a giant mollusk made out of fudge. It certainly isn't going down like a punk to any fudge carpenter or walrus. Answer came there none, indeed.

Hit Message(s):

It spits a fudge pearl at you, smacking you in the <forehead>.

It snaps you in the <knee> with its fudge shell. You feel shell-shocked.

It sticks part of its gastropod in your mouth. Since this month doesn't have an 'R' in it, you get sick to your stomach.

It slimes you with its gastropod. Ew. (sleaze damage)

Critical Hit Message:

It engulfs you in its shell, coats you in ganache nacre, and turns you into a pearl. The process is temporary, but surprisingly painful.

Miss Message(s):

It spits out a fudge pearl. Um. Yum?

It snaps its shell at you, but you avoid getting shell-shocked.

It tries to slime you with your[sic] gastropod, but you move backward on your podopods.

It clacks its shell together in an entirely un-menacing way.

Fumble Message:

It stops fighting to write a letter to its distant relatives in the Rocky Mountains. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Fudgecule.gifYou acquire 8-10 fudgecules

Occurs at Fudge Mountain. Fudgecule drops can be increased by the following effects:
