Fu Manchu Wax

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Fu Manchu Wax
Fu Manchu Wax

This is a tub of moustache wax, designed especially for the scraggly moustaches of ancient insane monks.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 5 Meat.
Effect: Super Calloused Agile Mystic (30 Adventures)Makes you look like an ancient insane monk

(In-game plural: tubes of Fu Manchu Wax)
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Item number: 5837
Description ID: 992259508
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Haiku Dungeon
ancient insane monk

When Used

You rub the Fu Manchu wax on your moustache (or just your upper lip). You feel an urge to demand people try to steal rocks from you.
Balm.gifYou acquire an effect: Super Calloused Agile Mystic
(duration: 30 Adventures)



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