Frozen Mob Penguin

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frozen Mob Penguin
frozen Mob Penguin

This is the perfectly preserved carcass of a Mob Penguin. It must've fallen into some water after being brutally slain by a yeti.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 300 Meat.

(In-game plural: frozen Mob Penguins)
View metadata
Item number: 1789
Description ID: 347635741
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Icy Peak
Encino Penguin (Lucky Adventure)

When Used

You carefully thaw out the Mob Penguin.
Pskin.gifYou acquire an item: penguin skin
Kneestick.gifYou acquire 0-1 kneecapping sticks
Phone.gifYou acquire 0-2 Mob Penguin cellular phones
You carefully thaw out the Mob Penguin.
Pskin.gifYou acquire an item: penguin skin
Cumberbund.gifYou acquire 0-1 support cummerbunds
Music2.gifYou acquire 0-2 mafia arias
You carefully thaw out the Mob Penguin.
Pskin.gifYou acquire an item: penguin skin
Ironspoon.gifYou acquire 0-1 iron pasta spoons
Scroll1.gifYou acquire 0-2 scrolls of pasta summoning


  • You will always get at least one item in addition to a penguin skin.


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