Freddie's blessing of Mercury

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Freddie's blessing of Mercury
Freddie's blessing of Mercury

If you've got somebody to love, (perhaps a bicycle racer?) why not bless them with this? They'll be the champions, because nobody will be able to stop them.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 50 Meat.
Effect: You're High as a Crow, Marty (50 Adventures)+100% Combat Initiative

(In-game plural: Freddie's blessings of Mercury)
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Item number: 7728
Description ID: 716371734
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Roman Forum
Welcome to Blessings Hut

When Used

You unroll the scroll, but can't read Latin. Maybe you're under too much pressure. Oh well, it seems to work anyway.
Scroll1.gifYou acquire an effect: You're High as a Crow, Marty
(duration: 50 Adventures)



  • Freddie Mercury was a member of the band Queen, and the description and use text reference some of their tracks: "Somebody to Love", "Bicycle Race", "We Are the Champions", "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Don't Stop Me Now", and "Under Pressure".


"7728" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.