Foam commodore's hat

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foam commodore's hat
foam commodore's hat

This is a peaked, tri-corned hat made entirely out of bath bubbles, with a feather sticking out of the side that is also made entirely out of bath bubbles. You can use your imagination to pretend it's made of something else (like you can imagine commanding a fleet of ships while you're in the bathtub), but why would you? Bubbles are awesome.

Type: hat
Power: 200
Moxie Required: 85
Outfit: Seafaring Suit
  (3 items)

Selling Price: 400 Meat.
Cannot be traded

Weapon Damage +25%
Spell Damage +25%

(In-game plural: foam commodore's hats)
View metadata
Item number: 6164
Description ID: 147834384
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Old Man's Bathtime Adventure
Journey's End (with 24 to 36 crew remaining, sometimes)

See Also


Slash.gif Foam commodore's hat | Miniature deck cannon | foam naval trousers


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