Flask of hamethyst juice

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flask of hamethyst juice
flask of hamethyst juice

This is a flask full of the squeezings from a freshly squozen chunk of hamethyst. Tasty!

Type: potion
Selling Price: 400 Meat.
Effect: Ham-Fisted (10 Adventures)Muscle +50%
Weapon Damage +11

(In-game plural: flasks of hamethyst juice)
View metadata
Item number: 2807
Description ID: 268044453
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Ezcook.gif hamethyst flask of Gnomochloric acid
Equals.gif flask of hamethyst juice

When Used

You drink the hamethyst juice. Your arteries and your muscles harden significantly.
Ham.gifYou acquire an effect: Ham-Fisted
(duration: 10 Adventures)


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