Fishy wand

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fishy wand
fishy wand

This is a magic wand made of driftwood, with the hair from a manatee's beard embedded in it. Curiously, the manatee who gave the hair for this wand gave hair for one other wand, and only one other wand, so this wand has only one twin in the entire undersea realm.

Wait, did I say, "curiously?" I mean, "irrelevantly."

Type: familiar equipment
Familiar: any
Selling Price: 150 Meat.

Lets your familiar cast fishy spells

(In-game plural: fishy wands)
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Item number: 3822
Description ID: 994220879
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Briny Deeps
school of wizardfish (drops in the first four rounds of combat, after you ask Grandpa about wizardfish and avius ticklium)

Combat Messages

  • During combat:
<familiar> waves the wand and shouts, "anvilius descendo!" A huge anvil crashes down on your opponent for X damage.
<familiar> waves the wand and shouts, "aqua apparitio!" The water in front of your opponent forms into a spooky-looking pseudopod, scaring <it> for X damage.
<familiar> waves the wand and shouts, "aqua calefacto!" The water around your opponent boils, producing a delicious smell and X damage.
<familiar> waves the wand and shouts, "aqua frigio!" The water around your opponent freezes, chilling <it> for X damage.
<familiar> waves the wand and shouts, "aqua fulvurum!" The water around your opponent turns yellow. Ewwww, for X damage.
<familiar> waves the wand and shouts, "aqua noxio!" The water around your opponent turns into garbage juice, gagging <it> for X damage.
<familiar> waves the wand and shouts, "arresto beatdownium!" Your opponent freezes in <it> tracks, unable to attack.
<familiar> waves the wand and shouts, "wussius completo!" Your opponent slumps, barely able to support <it> own weight.
<familiar> waves the wand and shouts, "klepto!" a hand appears and snags some Meat from your opponents' pockets.
Meat.gifYou gain 50, 75, 100, 110, or 150 Meat.


  • The wand only works underwater. You need a water-breathing familiar or have either Willyweed or Driving Waterproofly active in order to use it.
  • The familiar will use the wand 33% of the time. Each action is equally likely, except for the klepto action, which only occurs 1% of the time.
  • Damage caused ranges from 50-100.
  • "Wussius completo" lowers monster attack by 15-20.


  • The item and spells are a fairly blatant reference to the wand carried by Harry Potter, and to J. K. Rowling's use of Dog Latin as a magic language.
  • The watery pseudopod may be a reference to the underwater being in The Abyss.

See Also


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