Filigreed hamethyst necklace

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filigreed hamethyst necklace
filigreed hamethyst necklace

This is far fancier than an ordinary hamethyst necklace -- it has intricate filigree and is the apogee of flawless pedigree. It's a guarantee to be a hit with your coterie.

Type: accessory
Mysticality Required: 40
Selling Price: 600 Meat.

Muscle +10
Weapon Damage +8
+2 PvP fight(s) per day when equipped.

NOTE: You may not equip more than one of these at a time.

(In-game plural: filigreed hamethyst necklaces)
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Item number: 2778
Description ID: 408625270
View in-game: view
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Xpliers.gif hamethyst heavy necklace chain
Equals.gif filigreed hamethyst necklace


  • Before May 1, 2012 this used to give 3 extra PvP fights.

See Also


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