Emergency glowstick

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emergency glowstick
emergency glowstick

This is one of those glowsticks you'd crack and drop down an elevator shaft if you were part of an elite tactical team.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 10 Meat.
Effect: Glowing Hands (20 Adventures)+25% Item Drops from Monsters

(In-game plural: emergency glowsticks)
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Item number: 10902
Description ID: 177725411
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

MayDay™ supply package

When Used

You crack the glowstick all the way open, spilling goo all over your hands. Gross, but it does let you see things around you more clearly!
Maydayglowstick.gifYou acquire an effect: Glowing Hands
(duration: 20 Adventures)


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