Dwarven Factory Warehouse

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You duck into the dwarves' store room and wander among the shelves for a moment, eventually stopping at one labelled:



Glancing around shiftily, you reach into one of the three boxes on the shelf and hork something, then sneak out of the room before anyone finds you.

Mattock.gifYou acquire an item: 7-Foot Dwarven mattock


Aore.gifYou acquire an item: asbestos ore


Core.gifYou acquire an item: chrome ore


Cog.gifYou acquire an item: cog


Dwarfbread.gifYou acquire an item: dwarf bread


Lore.gifYou acquire an item: linoleum ore


Coalbutton.gifYou acquire an item: lump of coal


Minerhat.gifYou acquire an item: miner's helmet


Whitepants.gifYou acquire an item: miner's pants


Spring.gifYou acquire an item: spring


Sprocket.gifYou acquire an item: sprocket

Occurs in the Dwarven Factory Complex.


  • All the bins are marked in the Dwarvish language.
  • Attempting to adventure here while falling-down drunk results in the following message: "You're too drunk to be wandering around in the warehouse, it frightens you and has you tied up in knots."
  • Two of the three runes are randomized on every pick. The third corresponds to the item that you receive. If you can get 2-3 of each item and record the letters you can figure out what the letters are for you. For example, if you get asbestos ore from BKN, NCB, and KCN, "N" is in all three asbestos ore boxes, so asbestos is "N" for you.
  • There are four letters marked on the hoppers in the machine room (one one each). These four letters will correspond to the lump of coal and the three ores (in no particular order). This can help narrow things down when trying to determine correspondences.