Drippy nugget

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drippy nugget
drippy nugget

If you really think about how chicken nuggets are made, you won't want to eat them any more than you want to eat this.

Type: food (drippy)
Size: 5
Cannot be discarded
Only one may be consumed per day

Puts 5 μg of Drippy Juice into your blood

(In-game plural: drippy nuggets)
View metadata
Item number: 10445
Description ID: 872053470
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Drip Institute
Drip Institute Cafeteria

When used

You weigh the choking risk of swallowing the nugget whole against the nastiness risk of chewing it up. In the end, you kinda split the difference, and you taste the difference, and it is awful.
AdventuresYou gain 5 Adventures.
(You gain 5 Fullness.)


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