Divine noisemaker

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divine noisemaker
divine noisemaker

This is a device, plucked from the divine aether, that makes a really annoying cranking sound when you spin it around. Like a record, baby, right round, round round.

Type: combat item
Cannot be discarded

Deals Physical Damage based on your Muscle
Makes you stronger when you use it

(In-game plural: divine noisemakers)
View metadata
Item number: 3118
Description ID: 322869689
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

Summon Party Favor

When Used

You spin the noisemaker as hard as you can, making a very loud, very annoying noise. About ten seconds in, the handle breaks off of the noisemaker, sending the other part flying at your opponent. It deals X damage, but you have to imagine the pain is almost like a vacation, compared to the noise.

Anyway. Spinning that thing was quite a workout for your wrist!

You gain Y Strengthliness.


  • X is equal to buffed Muscle.
  • Y is equal to the square root of X rounded up, but is capped at 23.



"3118" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.

Summoned Party Favors
divine noisemaker Muscle-based damage and stats
divine can of silly string Myst-based damage and stats
divine blowout Moxie-based damage and stats
divine champagne flute Add MP gain to booze
divine champagne popper Banish monster for 5 turns
Run Away (no adventure loss)
divine cracker Pickpocket and delevel enemy