Disco horoscope (Aquarius)

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disco horoscope (Aquarius)
disco horoscope (Aquarius)

This is a little scroll of bogus wisdom written on blue-green paper and tied up with a string. Read it, or throw it into the ocean. The net effect will be the same.

Type: potion
Effect: Aquarius Rising (10 Adventures)Spell Damage +30
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: disco horoscope (Aquarius)s)
View metadata
Item number: 6795
Description ID: 400988957
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Space Odyssey Discotheque
awkward disco dancer
flexible disco dancer
stiff disco dancer
Behind the Music. Literally.

When Used

You unroll the horoscope and read it:

Random horoscope
Zod aquarius.gifYou acquire an effect: Aquarius Rising
(duration: 10 Adventures)


  • The horoscope reading is chosen randomly from a list of possible horoscopes.


Slash.gif Disco horoscope (Aquarius) | Disco horoscope (Aries) | Disco horoscope (Cancer) | Disco horoscope (Capricorn) | Disco horoscope (Gemini) | Disco horoscope (Leo) | Disco horoscope (Libra) | Disco horoscope (Pisces) | Disco horoscope (Sagittarius) | Disco horoscope (Scorpio) | Disco horoscope (Taurus) | Disco horoscope (Virgo)


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