Disco Shank

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Disco Shank

Disco Shank

Type: Combat
MP Cost: 13
usable once per fight

There are very few problems that cannot be solved with the judicious application of a very, very sharp knife.

Sticks a knife in your opponent real good

Source: Guild Trainer
Price: 5,000 Meat
Class: Disco Bandit
Level: 10
Effect: Deals X physical damage based on Moxie, Disco Momentum and the damage range of your best available knife.

X is (0.3 * Mox * Momentum) plus a random number between <knife min damage> and <knife max damage> * 1.25. Mox is your current buffed Moxie (uncapped), Momentum is your current level of Disco Momentum, and all divisions are rounded down.

When Used:
When used with no Disco Momentum:

You shank your opponent for X damage, and tell your <knife> "shanks" for working with you.
You spank your opponent--sorry, I mean you shank your opponent for X damage with your <knife>.
You pretend your opponent stole your last can of tuna, and shank him for X damage with your <knife>.
You stick your <knife> where the sun doesn't shine, which is pretty much everywhere inside all of your opponent's organs. It deals X damage.

When used with 1 point of Disco Momentum:
You do some good ol' fashioned pokey-stabby with your <knife>, hitting your opponent for X damage.
You deliver a vicious prison-style shanking to your opponent with your knife, for a practically penitentiary X damage.
You pretend you're in the cafeteria line at a prison, and shank your opponent with your <knife> for X damage.
You shank him with your shiv. Or... you shiv him with your shank? You can never remember which way that goes. Anyway, you stick your <knife> into him and deal X damage.

When used with 2 points of Disco Momentum:
You lunge at your foe with your <knife>, shanking him for X damage.
You hurtle toward your foe and plunge your <knife> into him, dealing X damage.
You take a running start and shank your foe like they stole your prison-issue soap, hitting for X damage.
You give your foe the business, by which I mean the business end of your <knife>, shanking him for X damage.

When used with 3 points of Disco Momentum:
You come in like a wrecking ball, shanking your opponent for X damage. And you can't stop.
You strike like a force of nature, provided nature has a shank like your <knife>, hitting for X damage.
You're nothing but a whirl of feet, fists, and a shank, and your foe gets caught in the whirlwind, stabbed with your <knife> for X damage.

Like a deadly and stylish tornado with a <knife> blowing around in it, you whirl toward your foe and stab him for X damage.


  • This skill will attempt to use the most powerful equippable knife in your inventory, regardless of whether you are currently wielding it. Any stats requirements apply.
  • Damage is unaffected by Bonus Weapon Damage, and is not reduced by the Enemy's Defense.


  • "You come in like a wrecking ball...and you can't stop." is a reference to two currently popular (as of Oct. 2013) Miley Cyrus songs.

See Also