Deep Dark Visions

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Deep Dark Visions

Deep Dark Visions

Type: Noncombat
MP Cost: 100

Researching the ancient secret lore of the Mer-kin has taught you how to see things in the depths of the darkness. Things that haven't happened yet. Things that shouldn't happen.

Source: Mer-kin darkbook
Price: N/A
Class: N/A
Level: N/A
Effect: If you have at least 500 HP, deals three to four times your max HP in Spooky Damage and, if you survive, gives 10 turns of Visions of the Deep Dark Deeps (+50% Spell damage).
When Used:
If you have at least 500 HP and enough spooky resistance:

You close your eyes and let Deep visions wash over you.




HPYou lose X hit points. (spooky damage)

You manage to stay conscious in spite of the horror.

Darkvision.gifYou acquire an effect: Visions of the Deep Dark Deeps
(duration: 10 Adventures)

If you have less than 500 HP:

You don't think you can handle the rigors of these visions.

(You need at least 500 HP to properly use this skill.)


  • If you survive the Spooky Damage you get 1 to 3 random messages.
  • Sometimes another message is appended that contains a boldface phrase related to the Mer-kin dreadscroll.
  • X is three to four times your max HP (adjusted by spooky resistance).
  • To survive this effect at full HP, you'll need:
    • As a mysticality class:
      • 8 levels of spooky resistance (Extremely High) to get a chance of survival
      • 10 levels of spooky resistance (Really Very Extremely High) to ensure survival
    • As another class:
      • 9 levels of spooky resistance (Very Extremely High) to get a chance of survival
      • 11 levels of spooky resistance (Amazingly High) to ensure survival
  • You do not actually need to survive the damage to obtain the dreadscroll phrase.
    • However, you do need to survive the damage in order to obtain the effect.