concoction of clumsiness
This thick, oily potion will grant its imbiber not the strength of ten men, but the deftness of ten stooges. It's like bottled slapstick.
Type: potion Selling Price: 66 Meat. Effect: Clumsy (5 Adventures)Always Fumble (In-game plural: concoctions of clumsiness) | |
When Used
You drink the potion, and the vial immediately slips out of your hands. You bend over to pick it up, and fall on your ass. You try to get up, and bang your knee really hard on a curb. Man. This is gonna suck.
- This recipe cannot be cooked without having read the fumble formula. Otherwise, attempting to cook it will result in: "It seems like that should work... but it doesn't."
- The Saucerors bonus of extra potions does not apply, and they only get 1 potion. This is instead of the three potions that Saucerors would otherwise get for crafting most other potions.
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