Cold clusterbomb

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cold clusterbomb
cold clusterbomb

Remember how, because you were a real jerk when you were little, you'd put snowballs in the freezer to make them hurt more? This is like that with the volume turned up all the way.

Type: combat item
Cannot be discarded

Deals Cold Damage based on your highest stat
(more effective against groups)

(In-game plural: cold clusterbombs)
View metadata
Item number: 6575
Description ID: 769199792
View in-game: view
View market statistics


Wad.gif cold cluster length of old fuse
Equals.gif cold clusterbomb

When Used

  • Against a single monster:
You light the bomb and toss it at <him>. It explodes in a massive burst of frosty shrapnel, dealing X damage.
  • Against a group:
You light the bomb and toss it into the middle of the group of enemies. It explodes in a massive burst of frosty shrapnel, dealing X damage.


  • This recipe must be learned by using a Dreadsylvanian Almanac page.
  • This item cannot be untinkered.
  • The bombs deal damage exactly equal to your highest buffed stat, increased by a group multiplier.
  • The group multiplier is equal to group size / 2?, so, for example, using one against an enemy of size 3 would deal damage equal to double your highest stat.


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