Cold One

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Cold One
Cold One

This is a can of... Cold One? You're not sure if that's a brand name or just a slang term, because the rime of frost on the outside of the can makes it impossible to clearly read what's printed on it.

Type: booze (???)
Potency: 1
Selling Price: 5 Meat.
Cannot be traded

(In-game plural: Cold Ones)
View metadata
Item number: 6615
Description ID: 700464462
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Grab a Cold One (once per day)

When Consumed

The ambient temperature drops a few degrees as you crack open the Cold One. You knock it back, and it is every bit as crisp and refreshing as you expected it to be.
If you are below level 11:
Pshew. It's too cold for you to drink the whole thing!
AdventuresYou gain 1-6 Adventures.
You gain 1 Drunkenness.


  • The number of Adventures you get depends on your level:
Level Adventures
1 1
2 1-2
3 2
4 2-3
5 3
6 3-4
7 4
8 4-5
9 5
10 5-6
11+ 6


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