Cobb's Knob map

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Cobb's Knob map
Cobb's Knob map

This is a map that the Council says leads to the secret back door of Cobb's Knob. You'll need to figure out how to decrypt the secret messages on it before you can really read it, though.

Type: usable
Cannot be traded or discarded
Quest Item

(In-game plural: Cobb's Knob maps)
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Item number: 2442
Description ID: 325883819
View in-game: view

Obtained From

The Council of Loathing (one time)

When Used

You try to decipher the map, but you can't read the legend. You might say that your failure to read the legend is a failure of legendary proportions.

Or you might not say that. What you might do instead is keep looking around Cobb's Knob for some clue as to how to decrypt this stupid thing so you can get on with your quest.

Because, y'know, it's a quest of legendary proportions.

With the map in one hand and the encryption key in the other, you do two things. The first is that you decode the map and figure out where the back entrance to Cobb's Knob is, and the second is that you find yourself wishing you had a third hand, so you could enjoy a tasty glass of ice-cold lemonade while you're doing the first thing -- reading maps is hard work!

You memorize the location of the door, then eat both the map and the encryption key. For no particular reason, really, it just seemed like a cool spy thing to do.

With the map in one hand and the encryption key in the other, you do two things. The first is that you decode the map and figure out where the back entrance to Cobb's Knob is, and the second is that you find yourself wishing you had a third hand, so you could enjoy a tasty glass of ice-cold lemonade while you're doing the first thing -- reading maps is hard work!

You memorize the location of the door, then eat both the map and the encryption key. For no particular reason, really, it just seemed like a cool spy thing to do. Cool spies usually have functioning GI tracts though, so you're regretting the move almost immediately.
