Clockwork Maid

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Clockwork Maid

A Clockwork Maid is a furnishing located at your Campground.


  • Obtained by using a clockwork maid.
  • A Clockwork Maid will give you 8 extra adventures each night at rollover.
  • You can upgrade to a Clockwork Maid from a Meat Maid (which only gives you 4 extra adventures).
  • Upon ascension, your Clockwork Maid is lost and must be re-obtained in your next incarnation.
  • Can be viewed by clicking the magnifying glass above your housing. Has the following text while installed -
    Your Clockwork Maid will clean up your dwelling for you, saving you lots of time. You will gain 8 additional Adventures each night at rollover.
  • Changing your housing will not remove your Clockwork Maid.