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This is a can of Cloaca-Cola, one of the two indistinguishable frontrunners in the Kingdom of Loathing Cola Wars.

(Cocktailcrafting ingredient)
Type: usable (also usable in combat)
Selling Price: 52 Meat.

Restores 10-14 MP

(In-game plural: cans of Cloaca-Cola)
View metadata
Item number: 1334
Description ID: 543518940
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Cola Wars Battlefield (In the Dyspepsi-Cola Uniform)
Cloaca-Cola Catapult Engineer (2)
Cloaca-Cola Footsoldier (2)
Cloaca-Cola Soldier (2)
Cloaca-Cola c-rations (6)

When Used

  • From inventory:
You drink the can of cola. Empty calories never tasted so good.
MPYou gain 10-14 Mana Points.
You drink the can of cola. Empty calories never tasted so good.

Your canteen makes 'em taste even better!

MPYou gain 20-27 Mana Points.
You drink the can of cola. Empty calories never tasted so good.
MPYou gain 10-14 Mana Points.

Your stomach explodes.

HPYou lose 20-28 hit points.
Beatenup.gifYou acquire an effect: Beaten Up
(duration: 10 Adventures)
  • In combat:
You quickly guzzle the can of soda.
MPYou gain 10-14 Mana Points.



  • If you use the Cloaca-Cola in combat, even if you have the Popping Stomach effect, your guts will remain intact.
  • Special varieties of Cloaca Cola can be purchased at The White Citadel.


  • Besides just being part of a mangled form of "Coca-Cola," the word cloaca is Latin for "sewer." More commonly, however, it is defined as the common chamber into which the intestinal, urinary, and generative canals discharge in birds, reptiles, amphibians, and many fish.
  • The stomach explosion is a reference to the myth that soda, when taken with Pop Rocks, will produce enough gas to cause the stomach to explode.

See Also


Slash.gif Cloaca-Cola | Dyspepsi-Cola | Mountain Stream soda


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