chocolate stolen accordion
This thing is kind of confusing. How can an immaterial quality of an object, such as the stolenness of a stolen accordion, transfer to a model that is constructed of that object? Obviously, you didn't steal this chocolate accordion -- someone gave it to you freely. So can you really call it a chocolate stolen accordion, even given the fact that the accordion it was modeled on was stolen? I have no idea.
Type: potion Cannot be discarded (In-game plural: chocolate stolen accordions) | |
Obtained From
- Halloween
- Raffles, Retired Accordion Thief (Occurs with Legendary Regalia of the Master Squeezeboxer equipped)
- Cargo Cultist Shorts
- What has it got in its pocketses? (pocket 189)
When Used
You quickly eat the chocolate stolen accordion, since you figure it's best to get rid of the evidence just in case it turns out you are guilty of something after all.
You quickly eat the chocolate stolen accordion, since you figure it's best to get rid of the evidence just in case it turns out you are guilty of something after all.
This one doesn't taste as good as the last one did.
You quickly eat the chocolate stolen accordion, since you figure it's best to get rid of the evidence just in case it turns out you are guilty of something after all.
You're starting to get tired of eating chocolate.
- Every use after the third (per day):
You don't think you'll enjoy any more of this chocolate today.
- Non-Accordion Thieves will gain one less adventure from this chocolate.
- If you would gain no adventures from the chocolate, it is not used.
- This Chocolate Phenomenon item share a counter with most other chocolate.
See Also
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