Chocolate disco ball

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chocolate disco ball
chocolate disco ball

Chocolate, as you may have noticed, is not particularly reflective no matter how much you polish it. So, you know, this is really just a chocolate ball. But hey, who's gonna bitch about free chocolate? Not me, buddy.

Type: potion
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: chocolate disco balls)
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Item number: 4466
Description ID: 181522203
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

Loxley, Retired Disco Bandit (Occurs with Legendary Regalia of the Groovelord equipped)
Cargo Cultist Shorts
What has it got in its pocketses? (pocket 430)

When Used

  • First use (per day):
You eat the chocolate disco ball. It's totally a delicious groove, baby. Whatever that means.
AdventuresYou gain 3 Adventures.
  • Second use (per day):
You eat the chocolate disco ball. It's totally a delicious groove, baby. Whatever that means.

This one doesn't taste as good as the last one did.

AdventuresYou gain 2 Adventures.
  • Third use (per day):
You eat the chocolate disco ball. It's totally a delicious groove, baby. Whatever that means.

You're starting to get tired of eating chocolate.

AdventuresYou gain 1 Adventure.
  • Every use after the third (per day):
You don't think you'll enjoy any more of this chocolate today.


  • Non-Disco Bandits will gain one less adventure from this chocolate.
  • If you would gain no adventures from the chocolate, it is not used.
  • This Chocolate Phenomenon item share a counter with most other chocolate.

See Also


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