Chewing gum on a string

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Revision as of 05:55, 22 January 2021 by DoubleU (Talk | contribs) (Notes: The trinket is only one kinda worthless item.)

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chewing gum on a string
chewing gum on a string

This is a wad of chewing gum on the end of a long string. It'd be perfect for fishing things out of a sewer.

Type: usable
Selling Price: 25 Meat.

(In-game plural: chewing gums on strings)
View metadata
Item number: 23
Description ID: 700733976
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Odd Jobs Board (3)
The General Store (50 Meat)

When Used

  • Single use:
You find a nearby sewer grating and fish around in it with the gum. You pull it back up, and in addition to a decent amount of filth, it's got an item stuck to it!
Skullhelm.gifYou acquire an item: seal-skull helmet
Club.gifYou acquire an item: seal-clubbing club
Turtle.gifYou acquire an item: helmet turtle
Totem.gifYou acquire an item: turtle totem
Ravioli.gifYou acquire an item: ravioli hat
Pastaspoon.gifYou acquire an item: pasta spoon
Hollanhelm.gifYou acquire an item: Hollandaise helmet
Saucepan.gifYou acquire an item: saucepan
Discomask.gifYou acquire an item: disco mask
Discoball.gifYou acquire an item: disco ball
Hat2.gifYou acquire an item: mariachi hat
Accordion.gifYou acquire an item: stolen accordion
Sweatpants.gifYou acquire an item: old sweatpants
Trinket.gifYou acquire an item: worthless trinket
Gewgaw.gifYou acquire an item: worthless gewgaw
Knickknack.gifYou acquire an item: worthless knick-knack
  • Multi use:
You find a nearby sewer grating and fish around in it with the gum. You pull it back up, and in addition to a decent amount of filth, it's got an item stuck to it! You repeat the process N-1 more times.
(You acquire N of the above items.)


  • Has an equal chance of giving any item in the list that you do not already have in your inventory or equipped. Items in your closet do not count.
  • Will not provide a duplicate until you have at least one of each item. This feature (a) is deliberate, and (b) can be used to guarantee getting a specific item (e.g. a worthless trinket) by owning everything else and closeting the item you actually want to get so there are none in your inventory.
  • If you have at least one of each there is an equal chance to get any item in the list.
  • There are 16 possible items: the starting hat and weapon for each class, the sweatpants, and three types of worthless items.
  • This item is usable and does not cost an adventure to use as of the October 5th, 2010 update.
  • Formerly needed in order to spend adventures fishing items out of The Sewer.


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