Chest X-Ray

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Damage vs immune monsters

Chest X-Ray

Chest X-Ray

Type: Combat
MP Cost: 0

Instantly disintegrate an enemy

Source: Lil' Doctor™ bag
Price: N/A
Class: N/A
Level: N/A
Effect: Instantly kills the monster without spending an adventure. Grants stats, meat, and items, as normal.
When Used:
  • Against a regular monster:

You point the X-Ray emitter of your Lil' Doctor™ bag, leave the room, and press the button on the remote. When you come back in, your enemy is nowhere to be seen.

  • Against a boss or other special monster:
You point the X-Ray emitter of your Lil' Doctor™ bag, leave the room, and press the button on the remote. When you come back in, your enemy is extremely angry, having suffered X damage from the unshielded radiation.


  • Usable three times per day.
  • Despite the text, it does not force all items to drop like Disintegrate.

See Also