Chat Guide: Commands

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Chat Guide
Basics | Chat Commands | Game Commands | Channels | Miscellaneous

This article lists chat commands specific to the chat pane and messaging. See Chat Guide: Game Commands for commands which have gameplay effects.

In the examples below, substitute your own text for message, player name, or channel. Enter the command in the box at the bottom of the chat screen where normal messages are typed. If you have trouble learning chat commands, you may want to enable your Right Click Menu in your Options menu.

/? or /help 
Usage: /?
  • Displays a list of helpful chat commands.
/em or /me 
Usage: /em message
  • Emotes the message so that it appears in italics in chat. Players use this to signify they are performing an action.
    • Example: /me says hello to chat
/msg or /whisper or /w or /tell 
Usage: /msg player_name message
  • Sends a private message. This is also known as a "blue message." You may use either a player's name or a player's numeric ID to send a pm. When sending to a player name, be sure to use an underscore _ in place of any spaces in the player name.
    • Example: Sending a private message saying "hi!" to Mr Skullhead: /msg Mr_Skullhead hi!
  • When you try to pm people who have you on their ignore list, the result is "That player has you on his or her ignore list."
/reply or /r 
Usage: /r message
  • Replies to your last private message. Be careful to check your chat pane to make sure the message is going to the right location. Due to lag, /reply occasionally goes to unintended recipients; the /last command described below may assist you.
Usage: /last
  • Shows your last 10 received private messages. These expire after a period of time.
/conv or /v 
Usage: /v message
  • Sends a private message to the last person you sent a pm. The /lastsent command described below is helpful for this.
Usage: /lastsent
  • Shows your last 10 sent private messages. These also expire after a period of time.
Usage: /who channel
  • Displays who is in the channel. If no channel is specified, then your current channel is used. You may only use the shortcut /w for your current channel; /w is also used as a shortcut for /msg. Players in light grey are listening to the channel, players in blue are on your contact list, and players in light blue are contacts who are listening to the channel. You may change your default colors in the Options menu.
/whois or /whios 
Usage: /whois player name
  • Displays information on a person, such as player name, playerID, level, class, and active chat channels. Unlike /msg, you do not need to substitute the underscore _ for spaces in this chat command. You may use either a player's name or a player's ID with this command. The channel they are in will be displayed regardless of your access level, but if you do not have access to a channel they are listening to it will not be displayed.
  • With no argument, displays information for account whois (#2470162).
Usage: /friend player name
  • Adds or removes a player from your contact list. Your Options menu provides an option for you to be notified when friends log on.
  • When attempting to put yourself on your contacts list from the chat you get this message: "It's good to like yourself, but putting yourself on your contact list is kind of Narcissistic, don't you think?"
/friends or /f or /romans or /countrymen 
Usage: /friends
  • Displays a list of all people in your contact list who are currently signed on.
Usage: /clannies
  • Displays a list of all people in your clan who are currently signed on.
/ignore or /baleet 
Usage: /baleet player name
  • Adds or removes a player from your ignore list. A person on your ignore list may not send you a message or kmail. You have the option of limiting access to your mall store to block people you have baleeted. The term baleeted comes from this animation. When attempting to baleet yourself, you get the message, "You can't ignore yourself, no matter how hard you try."
Usage: /channels
  • Shows channels that are available for you to listen or chat in.
/channel or /c (also /join)
Usage: /channel channel
  • Enters the channel you specified, but also unlistens your current chat channel. Compare this with the /switch and /listen commands described below.
  • In Modern Chat, this will add a new chat tab without closing the old tab. However, you will not get a tab for those channels when you login.
/switch or /s 
Usage: /switch channel
  • Switches to the specified channel, while continuing to listen to the channel you just exited (ie, without leaving).
/listen or /l 
Usage: /listen channel
  • Toggles listening to a channel. All messages from this channel appear after a pretext saying [channel]. The color of the channel name can be changed in the Options menu. You may also toggle whether you want your current channel to show a [channel] pretext in the options menu. To stop listening to a channel, simply type /listen channel to toggle it off.
  • Just typing /listen or /l without channel, lists the channels you are listening to, and your current channel in bold.
    • The bold text doesn't work properly in Modern Chat. You will still talk in whatever tab you have selected.
Usage: /listenon channel
  • Starts listening to the specified channel. If you were already listening to that channel, this has no effect.
Usage: /listenoff channel
  • Stops listening to the specified channel. If you were already not listening to that channel, this has no effect.
Usage: /channel message
  • Sends a message to the specified channel. You may follow the /channel command with a message, macro or emote.
    • Example: Typing "/trade I am buying Yummy Tummy beans" will send your message "I am buying Yummy Tummy beans" to the trade channel.
>> or (# )
Usage: >>playerID
  • Posts a link to the specified player's profile in chat. An alternative form is (#playerID).
/clear or /cls 
Usage: /clear
  • Clears the chat pane. (Will not work in macros)
Usage: /mark
  • Adds a horizontal line and a timestamp into chat. (Will not work in macros)
Usage: /exit
  • Exits chat, placing the "Announcements" back into the chat pane.
Usage: /updates
  • Displays the latest announcements from the KoL front page in chat, without the need to exit chat.
Usage: /timer turns [name for timer]
  • Add a timer to your character pane which will countdown as you use turns, and alert you when you have 1 turn remaining.
  • A maximum of 10 timers can be set. Each timer can last a maximum of 999 adventures.
Usage: /trivial
  • Displays the latest trivial updates from the KoL front page in chat, without the need to exit chat.


Old macro commands

This command still works, but it can not create macros with custom names, nor does it work well with gameplay commands:

Usage: /macro 1 (message)
  • Sets a macro (1-20) to a value. You may also edit your macros in the Options menu. The '$$' may be used to designate where the message goes into the macro. If no '$$' is in the macro, the message is appended.

Macros are a way to use the same message multiple times without having to retype it. They can be edited in your options menu. For example, if you have your /1 macro as "Hi, my name is Bob", then you can type /1 into the chat bar and it will enter the phrase "Hi, my name is Bob".

    • Example: /macro 1 /me holds up a $$ sign.
    • Example: /macro 2 /trade I am buying
    • Example: /macro 3 /msg chatbot Are there clovers today?
Usage: /1 optional message
  • Executes macro 1-20. Examples:
Using the same macros as the above example, typing "/1 No Huggling" would produce the message, "/me holds up a No Huggling sign."
Typing "/2 Yummy Tummy beans" would send /c trade the message, "I am buying Yummy Tummy beans"
Typing "/3" would send a private message to chatbot asking about the status of clovers.

New macro system

Do not name your chat macro the same as any of your channels or when you're in the channel that matches a macro name you will not be able to post.

Accessed from the "Manage your chat macros" link in the options menu chat tab, macros can now have customized names and can use gameplay commands.

The following is taken from the in-game macro documentation:

Each macro consists of two pieces. A trigger, which is typed after a slash (/) to activate the macro, and a result, which is sent to chat once the macro is triggered.
In your macros, you can use a few special symbols. These symbols will be replaced with the words you submit to chat after your trigger. These symbols are $$, which will be replaced with all the words after your trigger, and $N where N is a number, and will be replaced with the Nth word you submit. Additionally, if the number is followed by a dash(-), all words from that position to the end of the string will be used in the replacement.
When submitting chat commands, if you combine them together with the string '&&' between them, you can have chat execute them in order without manual intervention.

Some examples:

This will cook, and then eat, a plain pizza.
Trigger: ce
Result: /cook $$ && /eat $$
Usage: /ce plain pizza
Output: /cook plain pizza && /eat plain pizza

This will use a specified number of Magical Mystery Juice, and then cast a skill multiple times.
Trigger: mmjcast
Result: /use $1 mmj && /cast $2 $3-
Usage: /mmjcast 3 2 leash of ling
Output: /use 3 mmj && /cast 2 leash of ling

Chat Guide
Basics | Chat Commands | Game Commands | Channels | Miscellaneous