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Shotguns are ranged weapons.

Shotgun-Specific Hit Messages:

The buckshot you're using in your <shotgun> was on sale for only $0.79, but it still does X damage to your foe. WHAMMO! BARF! WHAM!
You hit your opponent with X tiny lead pellets that do 1 point of damage apiece. BOINK! ZAP! ZAP!
"Pull!" you yell for no particular reason, and then shoot your opponent in the face for X damage. Somewhere in the distance, a dog laughs. BARF! WHAMMO! BIFF!
You roll out a barrel of fun (where 'fun' = buckshot) to the tune of X damage. ZAP! BARF! ZAP!

Pages in category "Shotguns"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.