Can cannon

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can cannon
can cannon

This can cannon can can, can you? This device takes a can lid, gets it spinning at a really improbable speed, and then ejects it in the direction of your enemy, cutting through any thick layers of skirts it might encounter en route. Just don't turn and fire it at your own feet in an effort to get your flag back.

Type: ranged weapon (2-handed crossbow)
Damage: 8 - 15
Moxie Required: 22
Selling Price: 80 Meat.

Moxie +3
+3 to Monster Level
Weapon Damage +3

(In-game plural: can cannons)
View metadata
Item number: 1714
Description ID: 941230258
View in-game: view
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Hammer.gif crossbow string meat stack  
Hammer.gif basic meat crossbow styrofoam ore  
Hammer.gif styrofoam crossbow razor-sharp can lid
Equals.gif can cannon


  • Firing "at your own feet in an effort to get your flag back" is a reference to a tactic in Unreal Tournament Capture the Flag in which players fire the Ripper weapon at their feet to quickly kill themselves (by decapitation, after it bounces off the floor) in order to quickly respawn at their base and reclaim their team's flag.
  • The item's name and description, including the mention of "thick layers of skirts", reference the well-known dance called the can-can.

See Also


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