Burt's blessing of Bacchus

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Burt's blessing of Bacchus
Burt's blessing of Bacchus

Bacchus is the god of casinos, new pussycats, and magic moments. When you're on your own, just make it easy on yourself and say a little prayer. That's what friends are for.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 50 Meat.
Effect: Smoking like a Bandit (50 Adventures)Moxie +100%

(In-game plural: Burt's beestings of Bacchus)
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Item number: 7727
Description ID: 881200968
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Roman Forum
Welcome to Blessings Hut

When Used

You unroll the scroll, but can't read any of the words. You aren't sure if that's because it isn't wrong language, or if you're just drunk.
Scroll1.gifYou acquire an effect: Smoking like a Bandit
(duration: 50 Adventures)


  • The item name and description all reference Burt Bacharach, whose works include the soundtracks for the films Casino Royale (1967) and What's New Pussycat. Other items in the description reference individual song titles of Burt's.
  • The name of the effect, its description, and the 'When Used' text all reference another famous Burt, Mr. Reynolds; who is famous (among other things) for his luxurious mustache, and his starring role in the film Smokey and the Bandit.
  • Finally, the in-game plural of this item references the health, beauty, and personal care product line Burt's Bees.

See Also


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