Bowser (Hippy Camp)

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Monster ID 2172
Locations The Hippy Camp (Wartime), as a Plumber
Hit Points 400
Attack 300
Defense 300
Initiative 50
Meat None
Phylum beast
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts leg, arm, shell, head
100 coins
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
Bowser You're fighting Bowser

You push your way into the center of the hippy camp, where a giant horned spike-shelled turtle with red hair is in the process of stomping a man in a bathrobe into the dust.

<Player name>!" he roars when he sees you. "I knew you'd show up eventually! Well, I'm taking over this stupid weird kingdom, and you aren't gonna stop me! ...Huh? Princess? I don't know anything about any princess! Seriously bud, you need to get over that whole thing. You're obsessed. Anyway! Since my minions didn't take care of you, I'm just gonna do it myself! ROAR!"

Hit Message(s):

You try to jump past him, but accidentally land on one of his spikes, impaling your foot. Ugh! Ow! Oof! Eek! Ooh! Ugh!

He spits a massive fireball directly at your <head>. Ow! Ouch! Ouch! Eek! Oof! Eek! (hot damage)

Critical Hit Message:

He spits a massive fireball directly at your <bung>. (CRITICAL HIT!) Ow! Ow! Eek! Ooh! Oof! Argh!

Miss Message(s):

He throws a bunch of hammers at you, but for some reason they arc through the air really slowly and it's super easy to just run away from them.

He spits a massive fireball at you, but you duck under it.

Fumble Message:

He spits a massive fireball at you, but you duck under it. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

You find a huge cache of coins!

Mario coin.gifYou acquire 100 coins

Occurs at The Hippy Camp (Wartime), in place of The Big Wisniewski in a Path of the Plumber run.