Bohemian rhapsody
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Revision as of 23:17, 13 May 2015 by Fig bucket (Talk | contribs)
This is the sheet music for one of the songs the Bohemians are always going on about (you know, the songs that won't be written until a hundred years after they've cribbed the lyrics from them). It looks like it has some seriously dangerous high notes in it. (In-game plural: Bohemian rhapsodies) |
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When Used
You sing the Bohemian rhapsody. Your shaky high notes cause a landslide, and your opponent can't escape the reality of taking X damage from it. |
- Deals 3-5 × <level> damage, capped at 60.
- The name of this item and the use effect refer to the famous Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody. The opening lyrics of the song go "Is this the real life / Is this just fantasy / Caught in a landslide / No escape from reality"
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