Bitchin' meatcar
From TheKolWiki
(In-game plural: bitchin' meatcars) |
spring | sprocket | ||||||
sprocket assembly | cog | empty meat tank | meat stack | ||||
cog and sprocket assembly | full meat tank | tires | sweet rims | ||||
meat engine | dope wheels | ||||||
bitchin' meatcar |
- Part of the Bitchin' Meatcar Quest
- Allows access to the Desert Beach.
- The meatcar was made un-untinkerable on November 2, 2010.
- You may make more than one meatcar, even though you only need one.
- This item was one of a very few to have a clickable link in its game description window (along with the Totally Gay Claymore and the Primitive Radio Duds outfit items), but the link was removed on November 2, 2010. The description used to display the following line:
- This item and its description reference a song by The Dead Milkmen called "Bitchin' Camaro."
- Dave Blood, who is referenced in the link that was removed from the description, was the bassist for Dead Milkmen.
"134" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.