Big swarm of ghuol whelps

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Big swarm of ghuol whelps
Monster ID 1073
Locations The Defiled Cranny: Death Rattlin'
Hit Points 150
Attack 50
Defense 45
Initiative 300
Meat None
Phylum undead
Elements spooky
Resistance None
Monster Parts head, arm, leg, torso
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
big swarm of ghuol whelps You're fighting a big swarm of ghuol whelps

You open the body-drawer to see what all the commotion is about, and it turns out it's about a big swarm of baby ghuols feasting on an unfortunate corpse.

They look up in unison, squeak with malice, and leap at your throat.

Hit Message(s):

One bites your <skull> while another bites your <knee>. You're not sure which to shake off first.

One of the whelps kneels behind you while another one pushes you over. Then they laugh as you hit the floor.

The whelps form a little pyramid so they can reach your <shins> to bite it.

Each whelp takes a huge bite of your flesh, then spits it out when they taste that it's not dead flesh. Too late for you, though.

Critical Hit Message:

All fifteen of the whelps leap onto you and lock their jaws on various parts of your body. It's pretty much identical to babysitting human toddlers, just with pointier teeth.Ugh! Ow! Ugh!

Miss Message(s):

The whelps are too busy fighting amongst themselves to hit you.

Two whelps fight over which one gets to eat your <arm>.

The whelps form a little pyramid to reach your nose, but it topples before they can bite it.

Fumble Message:

The whelps suddenly realize you're alive, and won't bite you for a few minutes until they forget. (FUMBLE!)

After Combat

Occurs at The Defiled Cranny as result of opening the rattling box in Death Rattlin'.


  • While on the quest to get rid of the evil in The Cyrpt, a winning combat terminates with:
    You pant as you smash the last of the little buggers. Your Evilometer beeps X times.
  • This monster counts as a group (of size 30 or 31). It takes manifold damage from area-of-effect skills such as Wave of Sauce.