Bartering for the Future of Innocent Children

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Revision as of 18:19, 17 March 2014 by Cheesecookie (Talk | contribs) (It does, in fact, say "1 kid" when you only save 1.)

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Spadebal.gif There are some vague or non-exact figures and information on this page. Some spading is required.

What determines what rewards you get?

Bartering for the Future of Innocent Children
Bartering for the Future of Innocent Children

You approach the couple. "Yeah, what do you want?" the husband says.

One of the kids tries to ask you a question, but the husband swats at him and tells him to shut his pie-hole.

Or, if you have no materials left, the only option is Go back through the Portal and the intro text is:

You don't have anything you can use to make offers. It's time to leave!

Talk to the Husband

You approach the Husband and ask to speak to him privately. He looks concerned, but agrees.

Talk to the Wife

You approach the Wife and ask to speak to her privately. After glancing nervously at her husband, she agrees.

Talk to Both Together

You approach the couple and form an impromptu huddle so you can speak to both of them.

Go back through the Portal
  • The first to fourth times:

You duck back through the portal, relieved to get away from those horrible people. The portal shimmers behind you, becoming impassible once again.

You've bartered with A <family/families> so far today. B left to go before the portal stops working for the day!

  • Afterwards:

You duck back through the portal, relieved to get away from those horrible people. The portal shimmers behind you and then disappears. You can go use your workshop with any remaining materials you have left over if you want, but otherwise your work for the day is done!

You saved X kid(s).

After a hard day's work you can finally relax, so you conjure up a little muscle relaxant for yourself.

Tankard.gifYou acquire an item: mid-level medieval mead
  • If you did well:

Wow. X kids! That's really good! You decide to reward yourself with something extra nice.

Potion5.gifYou acquire an item: Rümpelstiltz
  • If you did particularly well:

Wow. X kids! That's amazing! You decide to reward yourself with something extra nice.

Potion5.gifYou acquire 2 bottles of Rümpelstiltz

<Rumplestiltskings Leaderboards>

Occurs after Walking into the Portal after opening it.


  • You can only enter the portal 5 times per grimstone mask use.
  • The image is randomly generated between the following images, which stays throughout the choices (getting separated if only talking to the Husband or to the Wife):
