Banana smoothie

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banana smoothie
banana smoothie

Man, this banana-based potion is smooth. It's so smooth that, if it were an actor, it'd be Billy Dee Williams. Oh yeah.

Type: potion
Effect: Bananas! (5 Adventures)All Attributes +40
Cannot be discarded

(In-game plural: banana smoothies)
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Item number: 2379
Description ID: 352126029
View in-game: view
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Lovepotion.gif banana scrumptious reagent
Equals.gif banana smoothie

When Used

You drink the banana smoothie. You can see why they call these things "smoothies" -- if they went for accuracy and called them "slimies," nobody would want to drink them.
Banana.gifYou acquire an effect: Bananas!
(duration: 5-15 Adventures)



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