Bag of pygmy blood

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bag of pygmy blood
bag of pygmy blood

This is a bag filled with pygmy blood. It seems remarkably well-preserved, considering the bag has been stored at jungle temperature.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 95 Meat.
Effect: Blood-Rich (20 Adventures)Regenerate 8-12 HP per Adventure

(In-game plural: bags of pygmy blood)
View metadata
Item number: 6716
Description ID: 651126112
View in-game: view
View market statistics

Obtained From

The Hidden Hospital
pygmy witch nurse

When Used

You hook up the blood bag to the IV you always keep in your vein, just in case. Turns out pygmy blood is exactly the same as regular blood!
HPYou gain 30-40 hit points.
Energyiv.gifYou acquire an effect: Blood-Rich
(duration: 20 Adventures)


  • It's "...exactly the same as regular blood..." for a reason.


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