Baby camelCalf
From TheKolWiki
This baby camel is squinting at you like it's already decided it doesn't like you, and is weighing everything you do in its presence on the balances of "leave" or "kill you". (In-game plural: baby camelCalves) |
Obtained From
- Obsoleted Areas/Methods
- Stores
- Mr. Store (1 Mr. Accessory)
When Used
You put the baby camelCalf in your Familiar-Gro™ Terrarium. |
It quickly grows into an adult melodramedary, looks around, and makes a little snort of resigned disgust. |
You decide to name him Trabediah. |
- July 2020's item of the month from Mr. Store.
- Its in-store description: A camel who smiles and spits on things.
- camelCalf is written in camel case.
"10579" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.
Preceded by: bag of Iunion stones |
baby camelCalf July 2020 |
Succeeded by: packaged SpinMaster™ lathe |