Adorable Seal Larva

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Adorable Seal Larva

Cute li'l bloodsucker
kills enemies with fangs and

Attacks enemies

Ability: Acts like a mosquito. Also acts as a 10-pound Ghuol Whelp with familiar equipment.

Throne/Bjorn: Regenerate 2-8 HP and MP per adventure, sometimes drops one of the five elemental nuggets.

Hatchling: Seallarva.gif adorable seal larva

Familiar-Specific Equipment: Pinkbowtie.gif pretty pink bow

Arena.gif Ultimate Cage Match Scavenger Hunt Obstacle Course Hide and Seek
Olive.gifOlive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif Olive.gif Olive.gifOlive.gif

Mumming Trunk Abilities:

+15% Meat Drop 4-5 MP +4 Muscle statgain +15% Item Drop +4 Mysticality statgain 8-10 HP +2 Moxie statgain
Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Staggers* Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif Hardcorex.gif
*Hover for details
Dasboot.gifCannot breathe underwater
Combat Messages
  • Regular Message:
    <name> fangs your opponent in the <part> and greedily sucks the vital juices from the wound. It then slimes its way over to you and bites your ankle, injecting you with the aforementioned juices while blinking its big brown eyes at you. It's so adorable!
    HPYou gain X hit points.
  • At the end of combat, with pretty pink bow equipped:
    <name> chews its way into the corpse of your fallen opponent in a spray of blood and gristle. Soon, it bursts out of the other side of the carcass, slimes its way up your leg onto your shoulder, and vomits some form of healing bile into your ear. Awww, isn't that just the cutest thing ever?? <3
    HPYou gain X hit points.
    MPYou gain X Mana Points.
  • Against other seals (no action taken)
<name> glances at your opponent with its big brown eyes, blinks a couple of times, and curls up for a nap instead of attacking.
  • Enthroned in the Crown of Thrones:
    <name> tosses you a clump of nuggets. I don't know where they came from, and I'm not going to ask.
Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: stench nuggets


Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: spooky nuggets


Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: hot nuggets


Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: cold nuggets


Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: sleaze nuggets
  • Bjornified in the Buddy Bjorn:
    <name> makes a squeaky noise at you, and you discover it's filled the Buddy Bjorn with strange nuggets. Awww! A disgusting present! How adorable!
Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: stench nuggets


Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: spooky nuggets


Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: hot nuggets


Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: cold nuggets


Scnuggets.gifYou acquire an item: sleaze nuggets
  • With lucky Tam O'Shanter equipped:
    <name> peeks out from underneath the tam with those big puppy-dog eyes and winks at you. So cute!
  • With miniature gravy-covered maypole equipped:
    <name> slimes its way around the maypole and then hops up and down excitedly. Adorable!
  • With wax lips equipped:
    <name> seems to be having trouble holding the wax lips in its little fanged maw. It wrestles with them for a bit, and then meeps at you. Awww!


  • Acts as a <weight + min(20, 2*Player Level)> pound Mosquito when used on a Seal Clubber, and as a normal weight one on any other class.
  • Since an update on 10/29/2012, the Adorable Seal Larva no longer attacks other Seals.