A little sump'm sump'm

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a little sump'm sump'm
a little sump'm sump'm

This is a drink made of gin, an olive, a tiny umbrella, and a name designed to make you blush.

Type: booze (good)
Potency: 4
Level required: 4
Selling Price: 115 Meat.

(In-game plural: little sump'm sump'ms)
View metadata
Item number: 682
Description ID: 116230030
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Typical Tavern (pre quest)
The Cask at Hand
Dropped after combat by a Lil' Barrel Mimic (sometimes)
Obsoleted Areas/Methods
Quest Rewards (pre-NS13)
Typical Tavern Quest reward for Saucerors (3)


Shaker.gif olive bottle of gin  
Discomask.gif martini little paper umbrella
Equals.gif a little sump'm sump'm

When Consumed

You drink a little sump'm, and then another. Your cheeks flush and everyone in the room gets prettier.
AdventuresYou gain 10-14 Adventures.
You gain 25-27 Mysteriousness.
You gain 8-10 Chutzpah.
You gain 4 Drunkenness.


Slash.gif a little sump'm sump'm | calle de miel | ducha de oro | fuzzbump | horizontal tango | ocean motion | perpendicular hula | pink pony | rockin' wagon | roll in the hay | slap and tickle | slip 'n' slide


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