A Three-Tined Fork

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A Three-Tined Fork
A Three-Tined Fork

You come to a point in the forest where three paths diverge.

The left branch looks pretty normal -- the trees surrounding it are healthy, the path is well-lit, and furry woodland creatures scamper along it, just waiting to get eaten by some larger but equally furry predator.

The trees around the middle branch look as though they've been burned, the earth is scorched (though not by tiny robotic tanks, you're guessing,) and you catch the occasional glimpse of flashing lights from the distant recesses of the path.

The third branch is dark. Really dark. Really, really dark, come to think of it. You can't see anything at all past the entrance.

All of the paths look equally well-traveled, so you're not gonna be able to rely on poetry for advice in this case.

Take the normal path

Take the scorched path
A Pair of Craters
A Pair of Craters

Take the dark path
The Road Less Visible
The Road Less Visible


  • "All of the paths look equally well-traveled, so you're not gonna be able to rely on poetry for advice in this case." Refers to the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.
  • The reference to "tiny robotic tanks" in the description of the scorched path refers to the classic DOS game Scorched Earth, which involves combat between tiny robotic tanks.