Your father's MacGuffin diary
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This is the diary your father kept during his lifelong search for the Holy MacGuffin. A lot of it is useless, or at least really boring, but he seems to have found a handful of important clues during his search. (In-game plural: your father's MacGuffin diaries, somehow) |
Obtained From
When Used
When used, you will be able to read what's inside the diary (well duh).
The full text reads as follows:
- Reading the diary opens up various areas required for the Quest for the Holy MacGuffin.
- The series of glyphs on Page 6 are part of a puzzle created by the development team as an experiment (which has since run its course). When decoded, it provides instructions on how to obtain the Ragamuffin Imp -- "to get an imp say word tatter at the altar do not spoil this".
- The picture of a bookcase above is a clue to a now-obsolete function; previously, you would have to pull that book from the case in either of the Take a Look, it's in a Book! adventures in the library.
- The "Password: Swordfish" was added on November 28, 2007, as part of an expected revamp of the Obligatory Pirate's Cove.
- On February 19, 2014, with the pirate revamp, part of the text version of this changed. On page 7, Bill 2, it used to say:
- In a bar at the Obligatory Pirate's Cove, I overheard a pirate who claimed to have found the legendary Palindome. He was wearing an unusual gold amulet -- two snakes, each biting the other's tail. Unfortunately, I lost him in the crowd before I could question him.
- Also, the image part had changed. It used to look like:
- A MacGuffin is a plot device that motivates the characters and/or advances the story, but has little other relevance to the story.
- The diary itself is a reference to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, in which Indiana Jones seeks out the Holy Grail using the meticulous and sometimes cryptic notes in his father's diary.
- The Pikachu-like picture on page 3 is a reference to Riff's 1000 blank white cards page.
- The last page appears to be a palindrome which would complete as: GOD, A RED NUGGET, A FAT EGG UNDER A DOG. This is a line from the Weird Al Yankovic song "Bob".
- The phrases on page 4 are lyrics from rap songs translated into a mix of dog-Latin and Pig Latin:
- "OWTHRAY VESTI MANUS IN AER ET AVEWAY LEMMA IKELAY TU NON CAUTIO" is a translation of "Throw your hands up in the air, and wave them like you just don't care", from Cameo's song Word Up!.
- "PAUCI IMESTAY EGO INTER UT SEMIA SIC NON IUSTUS ONNAGAY OCCURO AMO UT" means "A few times I've been around that track, so it's not just gonna happen like that", from the Gwen Stefani song "Hollaback Girl".
- "NOS NON NECESSITAS NULLAS AQUIA PERMISSIUM MATRISFORNICATIO EXURO" is intended to be "We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn", a lyric from "The Roof Is on Fire" by Rock Master Scott & the Dynamic Three.
- The first line of sheet music is "Shave and a Haircut", but in a minor key, as is befitting for a haunted organ.
- "Throw your hands up in the air/and wave them around like you just don't care" has entered the common parlance of songwriting and has been used in a broad spectrum of songs.
- The use of "Swordfish" as a password was inspired by the Marx Brothers movie Horse Feathers and may be a reference to the 2001 movie, Swordfish or a variety of other more recent references to the original Marx Brothers film.
- Pool shark Rudolph "Saturated" Fats is named after real-life pool player Rudolf Walter Wanderone Jr., aka "Minnesota Fats".
- The Staff of Ed is comparable to the Staff of Ra from Raiders of the Lost Ark.