Yeti Protest Sign

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Yeti Protest Sign
Yeti Protest Sign

This is a sign with "Save The Yetis" written on it in big letters.

Type: usable
Cannot be traded or discarded

(In-game plural: Yeti Protest Signs)
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Item number: 775
Description ID: 900411813
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Obsoleted Areas/Methods
The Icy Peak
Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs. And Hippies.

When Used

You carry your sign around the base of Mt. McLargeHuge for a few hours, chanting catchy anti-Yeti-hunting slogans.
AdventuresYou lose 1 Adventure.


You don't have time to protest.


  • Using this sign 10 times qualified you for the Silver Yeti trophy.
  • Using this sign 100 times qualified you for the Golden Yeti trophy.


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