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For the yeti from The Icy Peak, see Knott Yeti.

Monster ID 1722
Locations The Ice Caves
Hit Points 40
Attack 40
Defense 40
Initiative 0
Meat None
Phylum humanoid
Elements None
Resistance  ?
Monster Parts Indeterminate
Manuel Entry
refreshedit data
yeti You're fighting a yeti

What you initially take to be a furry white boulder turns out to be a yeti. You should have known. I mean, come on. Have you ever seen a furry white boulder?

Hit Message(s):

The yeti picks you up and throws you at a wall. Eek! Eek! Oof!

The yeti picks you up and throws you off into the distance. The distance contains spikes, on which you are (partially) impaled. Ouch! Oof! Ow!

The yeti picks you up and throws you at a wall. You bounce off of the wall, he catches you, and he throws you at a wall again. Ow! Ooh! Ooh!

Critical Hit Message:

not known

After Combat

You find a pile of gold bars on the ground.

Goldnug.gif+14-15 Gold!
You grab a rock, just in case you need a rock later.
Spelrock.gifYou acquire an item: rock (?% chance)*

Occurs at The Ice Caves.


  • The rock only drops if you do not already own one, and will be automatically equipped if you do not have anything equipped in the off-hand slot.