Yellow rocket

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yellow rocket
yellow rocket

Your grandfather warned you not to eat the yellow snow, and also not to eat any rockets no matter what color they are.

Type: combat item
Selling Price: 10 Meat.
Cannot be traded

Blow up an enemy and get their stuff

(In-game plural: yellow rockets)
View metadata
Item number: 10765
Description ID: 562478024
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Underground Fireworks Shop (250 Meat)
Additional donation reward for players subscribed in July 2021.

When Used

  • Against a regular monster:
You light your rocket and launch it towards your opponent. There is a flash of yellow and all that remains is their stuff.
Eyes.gifYou acquire an effect: Everything Looks Yellow
(duration: 75 Adventures)
  • Against a monster which cannot be disintegrated:
You try to light your rocket, but your enemy is too intimidating.
Your vision is too yellow to see your rocket.

See Also

Shared Counter

Watch.gif Ask %fn to go down in flames | Ball Lightning | Blow the Yellow Candle! | Disintegrate | Fireball Barrage | Flash Headlight | flame orb | Fondeluge | Golden Light | mayo lance | micronova | Open a Big Yellow Present | Point at your opponent | pulled yellow taffy | pumpkin bomb | Spit jurassic acid | Take your Pills | Throw Military Orb | unbearable light | Unleash Cowrruption | Unleash Nanites | Unleash the Devil's Kiss | viral video | Wrath of Ra | yellow rocket | yellowcake bomb


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