Yellow pixel potion

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yellow pixel potion
yellow pixel potion

Look at this pot, see how it contains a yellow liquid for you, and how it is yellow too.

Type: potion
Selling Price: 120 Meat.
Effect: WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA (20 Adventures)+20 to Monster Level

(In-game plural: yellow pixel potions)
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Item number: 8380
Description ID: 439717634
View in-game: view
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Pixel3.gif 10 yellow pixels
Equals.gif yellow pixel potion

When Used

You drink the thick, sticky potion. Most of it gets stuck in your back teeth and makes it so opening and closing your jaw makes annoying squeaky noises.
Puckman.gifYou acquire an effect: WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA
(duration: 20 Adventures)


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