wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie
This is a frosted sugar cookie shaped like a festive Crimbo wreath. Either that or it's a donut that accidentally got left under an iron.
Type: food (awesome) Size: 2 Level required: 7 Effect: Wreathed in Merriment (10 Adventures)Moxie +10% Cannot be discarded (In-game plural: wreath-shaped Crimbo cookies) | |
Obtained From
- Items
- Crimbo cookie sheet
- Obsoleted Areas/Methods
- Crimbo 2005
- Advent Calendar
When Consumed
You happily (not to mention hollily and jollily) munch on the cookie.
(You gain 2 Fullness.)
You happily (not to mention hollily and jollily) munch on the cookie.
These things taste especially good dipped in goat's milk!
(You gain 2 Fullness.)
- Found in the Advent Calendar on December 18, 2005 and December 19, 2005.
- System Message from Xenophobe: Ack, sorry about that, kids. It took a few tries, but the cookie stuff (missing description, mall weirdness) should be ironed out. Lemme know if anything else is gerbroken. (December 18, 4:56am Central Time)
- System Message: Addendum: Let me know if anything else pertaining to the COOKIES is broken. Not, like, typos in the Misspelled Cemetary or something.
"1406" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.