Worm Wood Done Quickly

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This is a quick and dirty chart to help you get to The Worm Wood prize of your choice, fast. Simply adventure in the named location and when you get a choice adventure, pick the indicated choice, then move on to the next location.


fancy ball mask


Can-Can skirt


albatross necklace

flask of Amontillado

Step 1 Location The Stately Pleasure Dome The Mouldering Mansion The Rogue Windmill
Choice Wade in the Alph (+80-100MP) Climb to the belfry Check out the restrooms
Step 2 Location The Rogue Windmill The Mouldering Mansion The Stately Pleasure Dome The Rogue Windmill The Mouldering Mansion The Stately Pleasure Dome
Choice Pitch yourself into showbusiness Approach the Cat
(5 turns of 8-10MP/turn)
Investigate a nearby squeaky noise Pitch yourself up the stairs Approach the Woman Explore some side-tunnels
Step 3 Location The Mouldering Mansion The Rogue Windmill The Rogue Windmill The Stately Pleasure Dome The Stately Pleasure Dome The Mouldering Mansion
Choice Ascend Chat with the jokers Chat with the smokers Go up to the crow's nest Check out the helm Descend

Note that there is a fair bit of symmetry in the pathing. Consumables are yielded when going clockwise around The Worm Wood; whereas equipment is found when going counterclockwise. Muscle/spleen items end their cycles at The Rogue Windmill, Moxie/booze items end their cycles at The Mouldering Mansion, and Mysticality/food items end their cycles at The Stately Pleasure Dome.

There is a way to spend the least possible number of turns yet still gain your prize. You only need to adventure in the appropriate area for the first choice adventure with 9-7 turns of Absinthe-Minded until it comes up. Then you only need to adventure in the second area with 5-4 turns of Absinthe-Minded until it comes up. Finally, adventure there with 1 turn of Absinthe-Minded for the last choice adventure. You may adventure outside of the Worm Wood zones until the Absinthe-Minded effect reaches 9, 5, or 1 turn remaining; and then as soon as you get the appropriate choice adventure you can leave again. Just make sure that you adventure in the right area during the right interval.

Adventuring here on the Feast of Boris or El Dia de Los Muertos Borrachos can be dangerous, as their special encounters can very easily supersede one of the guaranteed choice adventures here and prevent a reward from being collected - many Hardcore Oxygenarian players have been robbed of their opportunity to collect a not-a-pipe by having a Malevolent Tofurkey or other beast show up instead.

Stat gains

Every choice adventure in the Worm Wood also includes a stat gain option. All stat gains are approximately 1*mainstat, capped at 150.

Stat gain
Muscle Mysticality Moxie
Step 1
(9-7 turns left)
Location The Stately Pleasure Dome The Mouldering Mansion The Rogue Windmill
Choice Swim laps in the pool Climb to the second floor Check the upstairs apartment
Step 2
(5-4 turns left)
Location The Rogue Windmill The Stately Pleasure Dome The Mouldering Mansion
Choice Pitch in and help Ponder the measureless expanse Approach the Man
Step 3
(1 turn left)
Location The Mouldering Mansion The Rogue Windmill The Stately Pleasure Dome
Choice Open the door Chat with the midnight tokers Walk the main deck

Adventuring in the Worm Wood zone for your main stat when the Absinthe-Minded counter reaches 5, and when it reaches 1, is called 5/1 leveling. Adventuring in the Worm Wood zone for your main stat only when the counter reaches 1 doesn't seem to have a popular name yet. Nobody does "9/5/1 leveling" because it's more efficient to power level in Spookyraven for the first 5 turns.